- one organic gala apple
- one young thai coconut (oh oh oh, am I ever obsessed with these of late! I bought my first two a couple of weeks ago. I opened the first one and thought, "Ick, I don't like this water and the meat is tasteless." Then a day later, I gave the other one a chance, and a little switch flipped in my (monkey) brain and I realized, "I have to eat one (or three) of these every day from now until forever." Desert island? I'm ready!)
- one mango (Oh man, why haven't I been eating mangoes for the last, um, year? I'm a freak! They are amaaaaaazing.)
- one cashew cookie Larabar. (I was really hungry during seminar and the Zot'n'Go carries these. Not ideal, but tasty!)
- Mexican squash "rice" (My first attempt at a recipe from my first raw uncookbook--Ani's Raw Kitchen--and holy cacao, was it delicious! So so good. I didn't put onion in because I'm out, and it was so good anyway. I am definitely putting winter squash on my shopping list from now on; it's so sweet and filling.)
And then, um, I went to visit the hospital and afterwards Costello and I went out to eat, and it definitely wasn't raw. Or very healthy. Oops. Still 75% for the day, though, I think.
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