As I attempt to climb up the healthy-living ladder, I worried that there would be a missing rung (I mean, I
know there will be several, I'm looking at you, wheat-grass). The possibly rough transition to rawness is supposed to be ameliorated by the fact that most people already eat fruit, salads, and good ol' guacamole. Avocado is a very well-loved healthy food and I have encountered it in the most unlikely places (what? what are you thinking? I'm talking about
food!). But I've always been a avocado. I'm no guac-hating freak, don't get me wrong, but I'll admit that seeing someone with just half an avocado in one hand and a spoon in the other hand is enough to turn my stomach.
"Look! It has its own little nature-made bowl!" [exulting avo-enthusiast]
"Mhmm!" [me, trying to smile through the nausea]
But the creamy, greeny ahuacatl is very important to raw foodists, especially impoverished ones who can't afford to order vats of hemp butter over the internet. (If I crack, it's going to be because this diet tends to be so bourgie, please don't get insulted everyone, but I'm never going to have $400 for a
blender). So today's breakfast pear got a little sexy stir time with a little organic avo. Zoom! Or bzzz bzzz scrape bzzz bzzz. (Man, I really really want a $400 blender).

It's going to be a long while until my kitchen creations are a) pretty and b) not green. I'm mostly okay with that. And while the first bite was a little, oh no avooooo, eventually the light sweet flavor of the pear shone through (and um, I added some raisins because I am an ADDICT).
I'm headed to the beach now to soak in a little Vitamin D. I'm bringing water and an orange, hopefully that should hold me since I need to go buy some more spinach. I know I'm not doing this quite correctly, but hopefully there will still be some good results (oh, mental clarity, come to me).
1 comment:
that sounds hard. and neurotic. but this diet seems to make it easier, by default, to eat less pitta foods. i mean, no one *really* eats raw garlic do they? or raw onion? i guess in some condiments but i think your general consumption of these "hot" foods will radically decrease.
i feel like i have lost all dietary control. i now have one or two eggs a *day* and i have started to eat a lot of processed foods. amy's has good broccoli cheddar pot pies and i will never be able to get over cheap frozen pizza. oh, and i have toaster strudels for breakfast at least 3x a week. gross. but so delish. the other day i was thinking about eating this shrimp curry...
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