I should have just loaded up on baby spinach, though. I bought raw nuts, but now I just shove them into my mouth compulsively, like a neurotic squirrel. Also, I bought raw cacao powder, but then today I read some articles about how it isn't even healthy and probably not actually raw and also probably full of insect parts and rat feces. Yum! Can't wait to make desserts now!
Yet the new ingredients allowed me to finally make something other than a smoothie or salad. Falafel! I found the recipe on Gone Raw and it doesn't involve a dehydrator, and while I was concerned that my poor little blender wouldn't be able to handle sunflower seeds, it pulverized them. I put them in a bowl and mixed the other ingredients, then mixed them together in the bowl. With my hands, how earthy!
I actually screwed up and added way too much onion and cilantro to the first batch (still aggravating my Pitta nature, sorry glittahface), so I had to pulverize a whole 'nother cup of sunflower seeds to balance it out, but in the end, they were quite tasty. Or at least the bits that I licked off my hands after rolling them into little balls were tasty.
But still green! What can you do?
(The neighboring building just got painted. I wonder if I'm next!)